3 months

I should probably wait to write this update since I’m in a really foul mood and all, but who knows when I’ll have another little bit of time to dedicate to this…so I might as well get it in while I can.  I’m not going to go into the whole story about why I’m sitting here crying at my desk, but let’s just say that I’ve OFFICIALLY learned that I can’t count on the two people (besides my hubby) in my life who I always thought I could count on most. It’s irritating and frustrating and all that, but mostly it’s just sad and disappointing.    I guess I always just expected my friends and family to be there for me…especially when I ask for help…and even more so when they say they will be…but obviously I’m wrong to have those expectations.  Chris just looked at me this afternoon and was like “are you surprised?”  I wasn’t.  Just sad.  But I won’t be again, because I won’t set myself up to be disappointed, at least with these two.  The flip side to this is that I have had several friends and family come out of the woodwork over the past few months- cooking meals/offering help/having us over/coming to visit/etc.  It’s been very surprising and I’ve learned a lot about the loving and giving nature of a select few.  It’s saved me, really….at least my sanity.  And it’s taught me that I’m not the bad guy for having expectations within my relationships…because some people will meet and even exceed them if you let them in.  I’m learning, trust me!

Things in our world are very, very crazy and busy at the moment.  Finley turned 3 months old yesterday, which blows my mind.  Isn’t she cute?

Fin 3 months leaning over laughing Finley 3 months great pic Finley 3 months laughing Finley 3 months pretty Finley 3 months squint eyes

We have also decided to list our house, which is totally exciting, yet totally stressful.  I wouldn’t stress over it too much, but there are a few things that need done before it goes up (May 1st) and it’s really hard to get said things done when I’m working, watching a 3 month old and going out of town every weekend.  Let’s just say that I have a LOT to do this week and I have no idea how I’m going to get it all done.  Keep your fingers crossed for me, because I need all the luck I can get!  The other stressful part of having the house up is that I’ll have to have the house uncluttered with baby stuff and be gone (remember that I work from home..with an infant and two dogs) whenever they show the house.  Ugh.  It’s gonna be a long few weeks if this thing doesn’t sell quickly!  Again, cross your fingers for us!

This past weekend we took our first big road trip with the baby, and she did great!  We went to Dallas for a wedding reception, and we had a great time.  Fin doesn’t generally do too well in the car, so we left out Thursday night around 8pm and drove straight through…and she slept the entire time.  When we got to the hotel we unpacked and I fed her and she went right back to sleep until 9am…she was perfect!  The reception/party was a lot of fun, and we got a lot of compliments on how well-behaved Finley was the whole time.  I said thanks, but I also let them know that it was just a good day and that she wasn’t always THAT good.  =)  I decided to drive us back Saturday night (10pm to 4 am) vs waiting til Sunday as well, and I’m glad I did…Fin and her drunk daddy slept the whole way home.  =)

My biggest news this month is a big deal to me- we finally paid off all of our debt.  For the first time in I don’t even KNOW how long (I’m guessing 10+ years), we are debt free.  I paid off my 4 runner this month, and we paid off the last of our private loan that we took out about a year ago to pay off credit card debt.  The only thing we owe on now is our house.  Crap…I guess that means we aren’t really debt free?  I don’t really count the house.  Is that fair?  LOL.  I can’t even explain to you the relief and freedom that I feel at this moment!  Whoo hoo!

Now for the monthly round-up…

What are your stats and what does the doctor say?

We have not been to the doctor or checked her stats since our 2 month appointment, so I have no idea.  She looks like she has ‘filled out’ some, so I’m guessing she’s around 12.5-13 lbs currently (just a guess).  She’s healthy and happy from all I can tell!

Fin in Dallas outside

What are you eating?

Finley is still exclusively breastfed at this point.  I’m still not doing dairy at this point, but I may start adding some back in here and there to see how she reacts to it.  There are two changes this month- 1) Fin seems to get distracted during some of her feeds.  She’ll be munching along, and then she’ll detach suddenly and turn her head (this does NOT feel good at all).  Then she’ll reattach and do the whole thing over again…and again…and again.  I’ve read about it online and this can be caused by a dozen different things (getting too much milk at once/not getting enough milk/curiosity to surroundings/tired/gassy/full), which sucks because who knows which one!  I generally just pick her up, try to burp her and then switch sides.  When she starts it up again on the other side, we’re done and cut her off for a while. Seems to be working ok.  2) Fin is eating a lot more efficiently, which means it takes much less time.  What use to be a 30 minute feeding on 1 side is now 15-20 minutes.  I like that.

When do you eat and sleep?

During the day Finley eats about every 3 hours. At night, it’s somewhere between 6 and 9 hours now (yay!).  Naps during the day (there are about 4 of them) range from about 30 minutes to 1.5 hours depending on the time. She naps and sleeps in her crib, swaddled, for the most part.  Sometimes I’ll let her nap near me on her belly (she loves that).

What do your routines look like?

We are still doing the Baby Wise method of eat-wake-sleep.  Our schedule has tweaked some…..

  • Wake at 7:30-8am and feed
  • Play (tummy time/lay around and kick/swing time/etc) for about an hour
  • Nap
  • 10:30- wake from nap and feed
  • Play
  • Nap
  • 1:30- wake from nap and feed
  • Play
  • Nap
  • 4:30- wake from nap and feed
  • Play
  • Nap
  • 7:00- wake from nap and feed
  • Bath/Story time/etc
  • 9- feed and straight to bed
  • Only one nighttime feed now..usually sometime between 3 and 6

What size clothes and diapers are you wearing?

Clothing is mainly 3-6 months at this point, especially anything that covers her bum since we are doing cloth diapers.  Disposables are a size 2, but we’re not using those currently.  The cloth diapers are going well (details in a later post) and we currently have them snapped up to their smallest size.

Baby Bumble Bee Fin

What are some things you love?

This really depends on what time of day it is.  If we are talking about morning time (anytime before 1, actually), Fin enjoys laying down and kicking…sitting up in her little monkey chair…swinging…pretty much anything, as she’s in a great mood.  If it’s after 6, though, she mainly just likes eating and being carried around.  And bath time.  Newest love? Her glow-worm from Aunt Beth!  She fell in love with it on our trip to Dallas.  And a love anytime?  Outside time!  Sitting..strolling…walking in the Ergo…kicking on the patio…she loves it all.

Fin yawn in chair

What are some things you don’t love?

Diaper changes before you have eaten or in the middle of the night. Getting out of the bath tub. Getting lubed up after a bath. Having to wait to eat once you’ve decided you are hungry. Car rides if you don’t have someone in the back with you.

Finley on way to Bakers in car

What can you do?

Her newest talent is cooing and talking bath.  She’s quite the morning talker, and it’s totally adorable.  I’ve tried to get it on video, but every single time she sees the camera she deadpans and stops all activity.

Who has visited and watched you?

We haven’t had too many visitors lately, but that’s mainly because we’ve been busy.  We still haven’t had a babysitter to go out together, but we plan to in May for sure.

What are some of your nicknames?

Behind her back I call her ‘the titsucker’ a lot (awful, I know). I also call her Claire Bear…or boog…or diva.  And Fin, of course.

What are we looking forward to in the next month?

A lot!  We are going to the Buffalo this weekend, so we’ll get lots of family time then.  We also have a trip to TX planned for May, and a couple of birthday parties.  Besides that, hopefully we’ll stay busy with showing the house!  Wish us luck!

Fin for easter

Categories: Baby, Family, Friends, Kids | Tags: , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

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5 thoughts on “3 months

  1. Melissa Werner

    Huge hugs to you Jen. I’m sorry people have been shitty friends. That really does suck. But like the saying goes, now you know who your real friends are. Having your house on the market with a newborn and pets isn’t easy, but it can be done. Hopefully you won’t have to live in that “state” for long. I wish I lived closer and could help – although I have to admit that I’ve been a bit (to say the least) of a stress-mess lately with the Tour of Homes and whatnot. Just too much stuff to do and not enough me time (meaning no “me time”) and also feeling terribly guilty for not being able to be present with the kids and randy because I’m having to work on the Tour so much. Suffice it to say, another huge hug from me to you! I can’t wait to see y’all and meet Finley. Take care. Take deep breaths. And hopefully things will calm down soon.

    Sent from Melissa’s iPhone…


    • Thanks, Mel…I know you can relate. I’m sending a big hug back to you! I’m super excited about getting to see you guys soon- it’s been too long.

  2. jbsnow

    The first 3 months is hardest. It gets better from here!

  3. Sara

    Hopefully writing this update improved your mood 🙂 It certainly made me smiley (after the rough start). I think you realize when you progress through adulthood the types of friendships that are worth the work to maintain and those that aren’t. It sucks to go through, but it’s their loss.

    Best of luck on the house. It is awful to live in a listed house with dogs…I can’t even imagine baby stuff. Hopefully it will sell quick!

    • You know, writing the post DID make me feel better. It got me off of focusing on my disappointment in people and onto focusing on the amazing little human we created. =) I’m over it now, actually….learned my lesson. I’ve definitely learned which relationships I shouldn’t put as much effort into….but it’s hard to let go.

      I’ll keep you posted on the house! And I’m going to message you soon about registry stuff, I promise.

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